



Nursing School Study Tips: The Power of Flashcards and Reference Cards

Nursing School Study Tips: The Power of Flashcards and Reference Cards

Nursing School Study Tips: The Power of Flashcards and Reference Cards

Carolyn Cumper

Carolyn Cumper

Published in MedShop Blog

0 min read

October 16, 2024

As any nursing student will tell you, attending class is one thing, but retaining the knowledge you need to pass your courses and excel in your nursing career is quite another. This is particularly true for those enrolled in a nursing program, where the vast amount of information can be overwhelming. However, there are plenty of effective study tips to help you stay on top of your studies and succeed, both in class and in clinical practice. One of the most effective tools? Nursing reference cards and flashcards!

Nursing Reference Cards: An Essential Study Tool

Nursing reference cards offer a convenient way to have all the important information you need at your fingertips. They are incredibly helpful for reviewing complex topics and for reinforcing key concepts, giving you a better chance of remembering crucial details when it’s time for your nursing exams.

For example, you can create a set of reference cards that cover medication dosage calculations, vital signs, and lab values. Keep them handy for quick study sessions during breaks or while commuting.

How do Flash Nurse Reference Cards Work?

Flashcards, or nursing "cheat" cards, are excellent study aids for memorizing key facts and concepts in a nursing program. By actively engaging your brain with practice questions and prompts, you strengthen your memory and learning.

Active Recall

Engaging active recall using flashcards is much more effective than using your recognition-based faculties. When you look at a flash card or nursing reference card, you actively attempt to recall the answer (which is usually found on the flipside of the card). This helps to build stronger connections within your brain that help remember subjects, topics, and themes more easily later on.

In particular, nursing flashcards easily facilitate repetition, helping you to further reinforce those connections as you progress. Additionally, active recall has been shown in numerous studies to enhance learning and improve memory. It’s quick, practical, and allows you to learn anywhere and at any time.


Repetition is one of the most important study techniques in nursing school. Using reference cards or flashcards for repetitive learning helps to build confidence and reinforces your understanding of difficult concepts.

Instead of mindlessly reviewing the same information repeatedly, organize your cards based on your mastery of each topic. Review the cards you struggle with more frequently, and reduce the review of the ones you're more confident with.

For example, separate your study materials into piles based on comfort level—those you know well and those you need to focus on more during your study sessions.


Thinking about thinking (metacognition) may seem counterintuitive when you’re trying to learn facts, figures, and other important information. However, it’s supremely useful for enhancing memory, plus, it can help you more easily apply what you’ve learnt to complex problems or real-world situations.

When you look at a series of nursing flashcards, you should reflect on your performance and ask yourself questions on how you came to give an answer. Are you confused about the topic? What relationships can be built between the topic and others that you are more proficient at? How can I more easily remember this topic later on? By doing this, you will give yourself more robust and comprehensive strategies for learning as you progress.

Nursing Reference Cards for Study and Beyond

The beauty of a comprehensive collection of nursing reference cards is that they can also support your after study. Particularly for new nurses, keeping reference cards handy when starting a new position can help you to build confidence, knowing that the answer to any given question or problem is never far away. They can also serve as a “comfort blanket”, so even if you already “know” everything you need to, they can simply act as a supporting tool to give you the confidence you need to excel.

Finally, a decent set of nursing reference cards can also be useful for referring to less common information that may be required during your career. After all, a nurse’s job is always changing, and keeping your foundational knowledge fresh is always a good idea. 

Study Groups and Interactive Learning

Joining a study group can be an excellent way to reinforce your knowledge. By explaining concepts to others, you deepen your own understanding. Plus, your peers can provide valuable insights and share additional study materials like study guides, quizzes, and practice questions.

For example, meet with your study group weekly to review practice questions from the week’s lessons and discuss challenging topics.

Study Groups and Interactive Learning

Success in nursing school is about mastering information and knowing how to apply it in practical settings. Using nursing reference cards, flashcards, and other study techniques will help you stay organized, actively engage with the material, and prepare for exams and real-world nursing scenarios. These tools will continue to serve you throughout your nursing degree and into your professional life as a registered nurse.


Author: Carolyn Cumper's career spans from being a Patrol Officer in Rhodesia to a Paediatric Nurse in the UK, and later a Deputy Hospice Manager in Australia. Her diverse journey includes roles in law enforcement, healthcare, and business, culminating in her significant contributions to Medshop.

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