There’s more good news relating to nursing salaries, and that is that it may be possible to claim for a number of deductions relating to Australian taxes in your profession. In fact, according to the Australian Taxation Office, nurses may be able to claim for a broad range of work-related expenses. These may include but are not necessarily limited to:
- Agency commissions and agency fees
- Annual practising certificate fees
- Car expenses
- Childcare
- Driver's licence
- Entertainment and social functions
- Fines and penalties
- First Aid Kits & Courses
- FOB & Nursing Watches
- Glasses, contact lenses and anti-glare glasses
- Grooming expenses
- Home office expenses
- Laundry and maintenance
- Meal and snack expenses
- Newspapers and other news services, magazines and professional publications
- Nursing Scrubs and Uniforms
- Overtime meal expenses
- Parking fees and tolls
- Phone, data and internet expenses
- Removal and relocation expenses
- Repairs to tools and equipment
- Self-education and study expenses
- Seminars, conferences and training courses
- Stationery
- Stethoscopes & Equipment
- Taxi, ride-share, public transport and car hire
- Travel expenses
- Union and professional association fees
- However, what you can and can’t claim for as a nurse will depend on a number of factors. Firstly it must be you that pays out the money (without reimbursement), secondly expenses must relate to earning your income, and thirdly you must keep records to prove all of this—usually a receipt or invoice.
You can use the myDeductions tool on the ATO website to keep track of work expenses or you can hire an accountant to help you compile a comprehensive tax return. Either way, a nurse’s salary can receive a significant boost through tax deductions, particularly when you are at the lower pay scales as a student or trainee nurse.