



The Best Eco Nappies Available Today

The Best Eco Nappies Available Today

Steven Cumper

Steven Cumper

Published in MedShop Blog

0 min read

March 31, 2022

As any parent or carer will know, babies get through a lot of nappies. The average baby gets through an incredible 4,000 nappies by the time they’re potty trained. The vast majority of these nappies will end up in landfill. And as most aren’t made from biodegradable materials, that’s exactly where they’ll stay.

 One of the best ways to reduce the environmental impact of a newborn is to use eco-friendly nappies. Made from biodegradable materials, and with a lighter carbon footprint, eco-friendly nappies can help you be that little bit kinder on the environment. To help you find the right sustainable baby nappies for your little one, we’re taking a look at some of the best disposable and reusable nappies around.  

What is an Eco-Friendly Nappy? 

Most nappies available on Amazon and in mainstream supermarkets are disposable and non-biodegradable. This means that they’ll sit in landfill for an average of 200 years before they finally begin to break down. With around 30,000 disposable nappies thrown away every single minute, baby-generated waste is fast becoming a real issue in countries around the world.

In order to reduce the amount of non-biodegradable, disposable nappies ending up in landfill, a number of companies have created more eco-friendly options. These range from washable, reusable cloth nappies to biodegradable, disposable nappies made from sustainable materials. Comparing the pros and cons of these options should help you to find the best eco-friendly nappies for your needs.

What is the Most Environmentally Friendly Nappy?

While no eco-friendly nappies are completely biodegradable, there are a number of options that are virtually carbon neutral. Using these nappies can help you to significantly reduce your carbon footprint.


Reusable Nappies

If you want to minimise the amount of physical waste you produce, cloth nappies are a good choice. Unlike disposable diapers, reusables can be washed, dried and worn again and again. This means you won’t have to throw a nappy away every time your baby needs a change.

Reusable nappies have come a long way in the last few decades and are now specifically to be absorbent, easy to use and kind to your baby’s skin. However, washable nappies generally aren’t as absorbent as disposable options and even premium reusable nappy brands can have problems with leakage. In most cases, parents will need to use extra inserts and change their reusable nappies on a regular basis.

Eco-Friendly Disposable Nappies

 Another eco-friendly option is to invest in biodegradable disposable nappies. Although not compostable, an eco-friendly disposable nappy will break down much faster than standard nappies. A lot of biodegradable nappies are also made from sustainable natural materials like bamboo fibre. This will help to reduce the amount of waste in landfill and minimise the carbon produced during the manufacturing process.

Which are the Best Biodegradable Nappies?

 Although a lot of nappies contain biodegradable materials, there is currently no true 100% biodegradable nappy on the market. This is because even sustainable nappies contain some elements that can’t be easily broken down.  

If sustainable diapers aren’t fully compostable, you might well ask the question are eco-friendly diapers worth it? The answer to this is definitely a resounding yes. Because, while your used nappies might not turn into compost in the blink of an eye, they will degrade a lot faster than standard options.  

What’s more, the manufacturing processes for nappies made from sustainable materials like corn starch, organic cotton and chlorine-free wood pulp produce a lot less carbon than traditional nappies. This makes the entire process more eco-friendly.

1. Bambo Nature 

Made in Denmark, the production process for Bambo Nature eco-friendly nappies has sustainability built in from start to finish. The packaging is fully recyclable, while an impressive 95% of the waste from the production facility is recycled and the brand holds both the Nordic Swan Eco Label and the FSC label.

Free of phthalates and nasty dyes, the nappies are breathable, flexible, absorbent and dermatologically tested. So if you’re wondering what the best eco-friendly diapers for sensitive skin are, Bambo Eco Nature is a great choice.


2. Kit & Kin

The brainchild of Spice Girl Emma Bunton and developer Chris Money, Kit & Kin is one of the most popular eco-friendly disposable nappies around. The nappies are made from a number of sustainable and biodegradable materials including FSC certified wood pulp and bio-based gels.

As well as sustainable nappies, Kit & Kin also offers a range of chlorine-free baby wipes and a great choice of nappy rash lotions and biodegradable accessories.

3. Eco by Naty

Naty nappies have been available since 1994, making them one of the most established names on the market. Made largely from sustainable, plant-based materials, the nappies don’t contain any nasty chemicals and no oil-based plastics will touch your baby’s skin. Even so, Eco by Naty nappies stay impressively dry, even overnight.


4. Cheeky Panda


Cheeky Panda nappies are made from sustainably grown bamboo and other eco-friendly materials. Naturally hypoallergenic and with a wetness indicator built in, Cheeky Panda nappies have the convenience of mainstream brands like Pampers but without the carbon footprint. Their ‘Aqua Lock’ technology means the bamboo nappies have an absorbent core, while added Aloe Vera means Cheeky Panda nappies are great for sensitive skin.

5. Bambino Mio

If you don’t want to produce any waste at all, you could opt for reusable instead of disposable nappies. Search ‘what are the best cloth nappies’ and there’s a good chance that Bambino Mio will be right at the top of your results.

Bambino Mio offers a great, easy to use option for those who want to go as green as possible. Their Miosolo nappies have an all-in-one system that means the nappies will fit your little one from the time they’re a newborn to when you start potty training. This means that, while the nappies may seem expensive at first, they’re likely to save you a significant amount of money in the long run.

What are the Best Eco-Friendly Nappies?

Each of these eco-friendly options offers its own benefits. Luckily, with most babies wearing nappies for at least a couple of years, you’ll have plenty of time to try out different brands and decide which are the best eco-friendly disposable nappies for your needs. Find out more about sustainable nappies, and start stocking up for your new arrival, by exploring our range today.

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