



Urinary Incontinence; Solutions You Can Live With [You’re NOT Alone]

Urinary Incontinence; Solutions You Can Live With [You’re NOT Alone]

Medshop Editor

Medshop Editor

Published in MedShop Blog

0 min read

June 12, 2018


On the average, one in ten Australians suffers unitary incontinence in some form. That’s around 2.4-million Australians using the best data we have.

If you're a woman, the chances of you suffering multiply by almost four; 37 percent of Australian women suffer according to the same data. Considering 70 percent of those who suffer do not report symptoms, it’s impossible to know exactly how many Australians suffer, but you can assume the number goes up, not down. Not alone? It may be a private matter, but there are millions suffering from the same emotions. While the matter might seem worthy of snickering to someone, not in the thick of the problem, it’s hardly funny to anyone who suffers. If the title of this blog drew your attention, it’s likely you suffer yourself or know others who do. You know firsthand how troubling this can be.

There is a silver lining to these turbid clouds. Incontinence can be embarrassing, but it’s not a death sentence. There are worse diagnoses.

Also, there are long-term solutions available, some of which don’t require surgery. But, to treat it you have to first know what sort of incontinence ails you. That likely means going to a doctor, reason enough for many to hide and ignore the problem.

Consider this blog a starting point, not medical advice. This is not intended to diagnose or treat, but to ease your entry into the matter.

If by the end of this blog you believe your symptoms could improve from a visit to the doctor, Medshop Australia strongly encourages you to seek professional help.

Quick note: Any mentioned promotions or pricing in this blog are not guarantees of current pricing. Follow links or navigate to the site to see the most up to date prices.


What is FUNCTIONAL incontinence?


The term functional in this context is almost a misnomer, insomuch that the sufferer may struggle with one of many reasons for not making it to the toilet in time.

Challenges creating functional incontinence could be as simple as diminished eyesight or as complicated as dementia. For some reason, medical or physical, the sufferer simply cannot bridge the urge with the action of going to the toilet.

Functional incontinence, therefore, can affect people of any age.

To make sense of the term, there is a functional reason, albeit one that causes dysfunction, preventing the person from getting there on time. As such, treatment may be a matter of treating the related ailment.

In the case of poor eyesight, corrective lenses or eye surgery could put an end to two challenges at one time.

If you were to turn this challenge on its head, the incontinence becomes a mixed blessing for these patients, pushing them to address a condition they might have otherwise ignored.

In the other example mentioned, dementia, the solutions might not be as easy, but there ARE solutions for improving dementia's reach.

Meanwhile, one can use a simple solution like incontinence briefs, which fit about the same as normal undergarments but protect from accidents.

In the case of children who suffer, it providing them with this kind of insurance is the humane thing to do, especially since they fit so well. Plus, we have them on sale right now.

My child might benefit from sport briefs

What is OVERFLOW incontinence?


Those who suffer from overflow incontinence never fully empty their bladders. For one of several potential reasons, they have a restricted urethra or they lack the muscle strength to expel the urine completely.

In the case of a man who has prostate cancer, the first time he learns of his overflow incontinence might be the same time he learns of his prostate cancer.

Although scary in name, prostate cancer is often treatable, which makes the accompanying overflow incontinence also treatable.

In the case where one suffers this version of incontinence due to the side effects of medication, the solution is obvious. A switch or cessation of the medicine will stop the leakage.

If that is not an option, adult incontinence briefs are a solution. Just like the briefs mentioned above for kids, they wear like regular undergarments but with a layer of protection.

Let me see Medshop’s sale on men’s incontinence briefs.

What causes STRESS incontinence?


Quite common amongst those who suffer is stress incontinence. What can cause the discharge is simple compulsions, like coughing, sneezing or lifting heavy objects.

As such, stress, in this case, is not the sort of stress one feels from pressure at work. This is short bursts of physical stress, striking the sufferer unawares. A result of pelvic floor movement, it can even be connected to something as simple as laughter.

Treatment, as such, is a little more challenging. If the discharge is minimal, you may decide to ignore it for now, but this discharge can escalate over time.

The solution is usually a matter of strengthening the right muscles, the pelvic floor yes, but also the urinary sphincter. Treatment may involve kegel exercises, even for men, strengthening the pelvic floor and urinary sphincter.

In some cases, your doctor may suggest surgery as a solution. Meanwhile, stress incontinence doesn’t mean one has to surrender feeling alluring.

One company, Conni, makes chantilly incontinence panties which offer security in a design that looks about the same as department store panties. Right now, we’ve got them on deep discount to make this an easy decision.

Really? Prove it.

What is URGE incontinence?


Not to be confused with stress incontinence, urge incontinence is a failure of the sphincter muscles to stop urine flow from an overactive bladder.

Unprovoked by bursts of physical stress, the afflicted suffer sudden sensations of needing to urinate. Time and place do not factor in. Once it hits, there is no stopping the eventual leakage.

Causes can vary but often stem from other physical limitations, infections, disease or spinal cord damage. In less severe cases, it’s a matter of bladder irritation.

The solutions for this form of incontinence may be more finite, especially in cases where the doctor cannot determine the cause. The best solution in these cases is to wear adult incontinence undergarments like the classics offered by Conni.

As luck would have it, we also have these at a deep discount right now.

Please let me see the ladies classics

Should I worry about incontinence when running?

[caption id="attachment_8052" align="aligncenter" width="748"]1200-woman-running-on-road.jpg fitnessmagazine.com[/caption]

Any of the mentioned version of incontinence can affect one during physical activity like running. This can be not only embarrassing, but distracting, and irritating.

Maintaining one’s general health need not take a backseat to something as manageable as incontinence. In this case, any of the already mentioned promotional undergarment options would make a good solution.

Should you worry? No way.


How to fix incontinence

Female doctor shaking hands with patient

Actually fixing incontinence, outside of the mentioned solutions, requires a trip to the doctor.

It’s only through some simple testing that a doctor can properly diagnose what is causing the challenge, and make recommendations for treatment. This is where too many people get stuck, and for no reason.

Incontinence doesn’t have to be something you announce to the world. It’s a private matter between you and your physician, and that is final.

Remember, if you’re condition is something you no longer wish to live with, you’re not alone. Here's that number again: At least 13 percent of the people around you suffer the same problems.

That means if your office has 20 people working in it, at least one of them also suffers.

Your doctor may only be surprised you waited so long to seek help. Hiding in shame doesn’t have to be your only option. Find out if a trained professional can restore your confidence and lifestyle.

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