How To

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April 02, 2024

Steven Cumper

What is a Ventilator? How Does it Work and How to Use It

A ventilator is one of the most important pieces of equipment doctors have at their disposal. You've probably heard a lot about ventilators recently, as they have been used extensively during the coronavirus pandemic to treat patients with severe cases of COVID-19. In essence, they are used as life support to help patients in ICU who are struggling to breathe and those who have lost the ability to breathe, ventilators have saved hundreds of thousands of lives over the years. Understanding the basic principles of artificial ventilation, and learning what happens when someone is on a ventilator, will help to prepare you for going on a ventilator yourself. If you’re supporting a loved one who’s on ventilation or about to go on ventilation, getting an idea of what a ventilator is used for can be even more important. What is a Ventilator? A ventilator is a medical device designed to support or replace the breathing process when a patient is unable to breathe adequately on their own. Modern ventilators are precisely engineered pieces of medical equipment. Used in virtually every major hospital in the world, they can help patients through severe illness, surgery and paralysis. The primary function of a ventilator is to breathe - or support breathing – for patients who have lost the ability to respirate themselves. Ventilator support helps patients to breathe by gently forcing air into their lungs using a breathing tube inserted into the windpipe. The patient’s body then expels the air naturally. Some ventilators help patients to exhale as well as inhale like the Neopuff T-Piece Resuscitator RD900. Patients going into surgery under general anesthesia are often put on mechanical ventilators because surgical drugs and procedures can interfere with the breathing process. Being on a ventilator will ensure that the patient is able to get enough oxygen into their system throughout the operation. In intensive care units, ventilators are used to help patients who are struggling to breathe because of an illness or accident that causes acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) or pneumothorax (collapsed lung). Taking over the breathing function for a patient can give their body time to rest and help them along the road to recovery. It can also give doctors time to try new medications, assess the condition of the patient and create effective treatment plans. How Does a Ventilator Work? A ventilator works by mechanically assisting or taking over the breathing process for a patient who is unable to breathe adequately on their own. For many years, ventilators and breathing machines used negative pressure to help a patient breathe. When the body is exposed to negative pressure, it causes the thorax to expand and air to be drawn into the lungs. The most famous example of negative pressure ventilation is probably the Iron Lung, a groundbreaking machine that saved the lives of thousands of children affected by polio. Today, most ventilators use positive pressure to help patients breathe. These ventilators push oxygen into a patient’s airway via a mask or endotracheal or tracheostomy tube. The positive pressure causes air to flow into the lungs until the ventilator breath ends. Often, oxygen is added to the air supply to ensure the patient’s levels of oxygen in the blood reach the correct level. With a Face Mask Using a face mask to aid oxygen intake is called non-invasive ventilation. In this approach, a well-fitted plastic face mask covers both the nose and mouth. A tube links the mask to the ventilator, delivering air into the lungs. This method is usually preferred for less severe respiratory issues. With a Breathing Tube For more severe cases, endotracheal and tracheostomy tubes are inserted while the patient is under general anaesthetic. Endotracheal tubes enter the patient’s airway via the mouth while tracheostomy tubes are inserted into the throat or trachea. Tracheostomy tubes are generally used when a patient requires long periods of ventilation. Both endotracheal and tracheostomy tubes are a type of invasive ventilation. In some cases, a non-invasive method of ventilation will be more appropriate. This delivers positive pressure to the airway via a mask. This type of ventilation increases gas exchange and reduces the amount of effort it takes for a patient to breathe. How is Ventilation Measured? In a clinical setting, minute ventilation (MV) is measured by multiplying the respiratory rate (RR) - the number of breaths delivered by the ventilator per minute - by the tidal volume (Vt) which refers to the amount of air delivered to the lungs with each breath. This calculation shows how regularly a patient is breathing and how much air they are able to inhale with each breath. Doctors will monitor both the respiratory rate and tidal volume of a patient's lungs while they are on a ventilator. They will also monitor the oxygen levels and carbon dioxide saturation of the patient’s blood in order to ensure they are breathing as they should. Types of Ventilators There are various types of ventilators available to treat patients with different needs. Medical professionals will assess a patient, their condition, prognosis and treatment plan before deciding which type of ventilation is most suitable. · Invasive Ventilation Invasive ventilation is when a tube is inserted into a patient’s mouth (endotracheal) or throat (tracheostomy) to help them breathe. This tube is attached to the ventilator which uses intermittent positive pressure to gently force air into the patient's lungs. · Non-invasive Ventilation - CPAP and BiPAP CPAP and BiPAP are both forms of non-invasive ventilation commonly used to treat sleep apnea and other respiratory conditions. CPAP ventilators use continuous positive pressure to help patients maintain their breathing. CPAP machines administer pressure via a mask rather than an endotracheal or tracheostomy tube. This makes them a non-invasive ventilation option. BiPAP machines offer patients pressure relief between breaths to help them exhale. · Nasal Ventilation Nasal ventilation is a type of non-invasive ventilation. It is often used to provide domiciliary nocturnal ventilatory support in patients with chest wall disorders, neuromuscular disease and chronic obstructive lung disease (COPD). Like a CPAP machine, nasal ventilation works by the delivery of positive pressure to the airway. Nasal ventilation generally uses intermittent pressure to allow the patient to exhale naturally. Ventilator FAQs What is the Difference Between a Medical Respirator and a Ventilator? A respirator is a masklike device, usually made of gauze, worn over the nose and mouth to prevent the inhalation of noxious substances. Health professionals wear respirator face masks to filter out virus particles so they aren’t exposed to infection when treating patients. Respirators also help to prevent the wearer from passing on any infections they may have to their patients. Unlike ventilators, respirations don’t push air into the lungs or aid breathing. They are purely used as personal protective equipment to prevent infection and injury. What is the Difference Between a Medical Ventilator and a CPAP Machine? Medical ventilators work via a tube inserted into the neck or mouth of the patient, usually for critical care in ICU settings. They use short ‘breaths’ of positive pressure to gently force air into the lungs and effectively breathe for the patient. CPAP machines, while a type of ventilator, work very differently. CPAP stands for Continuous Positive Airway Pressure. When a patient is using a CPAP machine, they will have a face mask like the Philips Pico Nasal over their nose and mouth. The machine then applies continuous pressure to their airway via the mask in order to help them breathe. CPAP machines are used by individuals to treat conditions such as obstructive sleep apnea as prescribed by a respiratory therapist. Using a CPAP machine at night prevents patients with obstructive sleep apnea from experiencing breathing difficulties as they sleep. How Long Can You Be on a Ventilator? Mechanical ventilation is used as a last resort, and medical professionals will try to discontinue ventilation as soon as is safely possible. This is because there are a number of health risks associated with long term ventilation. These include: Ventilator-associated pneumonia Sinus infection Blood clots Lung injury Damage to vocal cords The process of taking a patient off of ventilation is called weaning. With expertise developed over years in the field, our products have been enabled to offer invaluable support and resources to medical teams. When a patient is being weaned, doctors will carry out spontaneous breathing trials. During these trials, the patient will attempt to breathe with reduced or no ventilator support. Patients undergoing breathing trials are closely monitored by a team of medical professionals. For patients who have been on a ventilator for an extended period, successful weaning may require multiple attempts. Can a Person Recover From a Ventilator? As an expert in the field, it's crucial to understand that while many individuals placed on a ventilator will indeed recover from their underlying illness, injury, or surgical procedure, it's important to recognize that the process of recovery can vary significantly from person to person. Ventilators provide essential breathing support, allowing the body time to rest and heal. However, it's essential to approach each case with a realistic understanding that not all patients will recover following ventilation. Some individuals may have pre-existing conditions or severe underlying illnesses that make recovery more challenging. It's important for healthcare providers to closely monitor patients on ventilators, adjusting treatment plans as needed and providing comprehensive care to support the healing process. This may include physical therapy, nutritional support, and ongoing medical management. Furthermore, for patients and their families, it's essential to maintain open communication with healthcare professionals, ask questions, and participate actively in decision-making processes regarding care and treatment options. Is it Painful Being on a Ventilator? In most cases, the endotracheal or tracheostomy tubes used for ventilation are inserted when a patient is under general anaesthetic. This means the patient won’t experience any pain during the procedure. Once the tube is in place, it may cause a little discomfort. Patients will often be prescribed sedative and analgesic medications in order to make them more comfortable. Patients who are on invasive ventilation can’t talk and their movement is very restricted. They also can’t eat and so receive nutrients via an IV or through nasogastric feeding. Some patients who require long term ventilation may be able to use a portable machine. This will give them more freedom of movement and greater independence. What is the Price of a Medical Ventilator? The cost of a medical ventilator will vary depending on its make, model and capabilities. Good quality ventilators are available for around $8,500. A range of accessories and replacement parts are available for most ventilators to help equipment last longer and work efficiently. Where to Buy a Ventilator Ventilators are available to purchase from recognised medical equipment supply stores. As ventilators are essential pieces of life-saving equipment, they should only ever be sourced from trusted retailers. Explore our range of ventilators or get in touch to find out more about the products we offer. You’ll find more information on other health topics and equipment in the Medshop blog.  Author: Steven John Cumper, B.App.SC. (Osteo.), M.Ost., is a businessman with a strong foundation in biomedical science and osteopathic medicine, who founded and led Medshop to international success, culminating in its acquisition by the Bunzl Group in September 2021, where he continues to serve as Managing Director (Medshop Group).

March 21, 2024

Steven Cumper

What is a Pulse Oximeter?

Measuring the oxygen saturation in a patient’s blood can tell a doctor a lot about their condition. In many cases, this measurement is an important indicator of the health of a patient and, if it drops, can be an early warning sign that something is wrong. Oxygen saturation is often regarded as a fifth vital sign, and monitoring levels of oxygen in the blood is now a standard part of patient care. Today, we’re taking a closer look at these small but powerful devices and finding out exactly how pulse oximetry contributes to the diagnoses, treatment and outcomes of patients. What is a Pulse Oximeter and What Does it Measure? A pulse oximeter is a medical device used to measure the oxygen saturation level in the blood and pulse rate. They are the small, clip-on devices that you see attached to patients’ fingertips. If you’ve ever been admitted to hospital, or watched a medical documentary or drama, you’ve almost certainly seen a pulse oximeter. A pulse oximeter is mainly used to take two important measurements: Oxigen Saturation Blood oxygen saturation is also known as SpO2. A SpO2 reading of 95% or more is generally considered to be normal. A SpO2 reading of 92% or less (at sea level) is an indicator that there’s not enough oxygen in the blood. This is important as low oxygen saturation levels, also known as hypoxemia, can lead to a number of acute, adverse effects. If low oxygen levels are experienced for an extended period of time, it can result in long term damage to a number of organs and negatively impact the patient’s outcome. Pulse Rate Pulse rate is one of the most important vital signs doctors use when caring for their patients. Most pulse oximeters will display the pulse rate – also known as heart rate, or HR - in terms of beats per minute. A normal resting heartbeat should be between 60-100 beats per minute. If a heart is beating more than 100 times per minute, it’s called tachycardia. A heart rate of less than 60 beats per minute is known as bradycardia. Both low and high pulse rates can be a sign that there’s something wrong. What is the purpose of a Pulse Oximeter? There are a number of reasons why a pulse oximeter might be required. These devices are commonly used to monitor patients when they are admitted to hospital. Even if their injury, disease or illness isn’t related to the respiratory or circulatory systems, it can still have an impact on blood oxygen saturation, so it’s important to keep a close eye on SpO2 readings. Patients who have chronic lung conditions or heart disease will often be monitored using a pulse oximeter. In some cases, they’ll be given pulse oximeters to use at home so they can monitor their own pulse rate and SpO2 levels. Conditions that commonly require a pulse oximeter include: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) Asthma Pneumonia Lung disease and cancer Anaemia Heart attack or heart failure Congenital heart defects How Do You Use a Pulse Oximeter? A pulse oximeter works by attaching painlessly to the fingertip. Once in place, they send two wavelengths of light into the finger, one to check pulse rate and the other to check oxygen saturation. This process takes a matter of seconds to complete. The readings made by the pulse oximeter are then displayed on the monitor, or handheld screen, that comes with the device. Pulse oximeters are used both for long-term patient monitoring and one-off checks. In some cases, they are also given to outpatients to use at home. This allows people living with chronic conditions to monitor their level of oxygen without visiting their doctor. What is PI on a Pulse Oximeter? Some pulse oximeters also display a PI reading. PI stands for Perfusion Index and it shows how strong the pulse is at the point where the pulse oximeter is attached. A PI display will range from 0.02% for a very weak pulse to 20% for a strong pulse. The higher the number, the better the blood flow to the fingertip. If the PI is persistently low, it could point to an issue with the patient’s circulation. Poor circulation can cause a number of problems, especially in the extremities. If a person has a low PI for an extended period of time, doctors will need to take action to help blood circulate more efficiently around the body. What is a Pulse Oximeter Used For? There are a number of reasons why a pulse oximeter might be required. These devices are commonly used to monitor patients when they are admitted to hospital. Even if their injury, disease or illness isn’t related to the respiratory or circulatory systems, it can still have an impact on blood oxygen saturation, so it’s important to keep a close eye on SpO2 readings. Patients who have chronic lung conditions or heart disease will often be monitored using a pulse oximeter. In some cases, they’ll be given pulse oximeters to use at home so they can monitor their own pulse rate and SpO2 levels. Conditions that commonly require a pulse oximeter include: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) Asthma Pneumonia Lung disease and cancer Anaemia Heart attack or heart failure Congenital heart defects What is PI on a Pulse Oximeter? Some pulse oximeters also display a PI reading. PI stands for Perfusion Index and it shows how strong the pulse is at the point where the pulse oximeter is attached. A PI display will range from 0.02% for a very weak pulse to 20% for a strong pulse. The higher the number, the better the blood flow to the fingertip. If the PI is persistently low, it could point to an issue with the patient’s circulation. Poor circulation can cause a number of problems, especially in the extremities. If a person has a low PI for an extended period of time, doctors will need to take action to help blood circulate more efficiently around the body. How Accurate are Pulse Oximeters? Pulse oximeters exhibit their highest level of accuracy when blood oxygen saturation falls within the range of 90% to 100%. As saturation levels decrease to between 80% and 90%, the accuracy of these devices diminishes. Their least accurate readings occur when saturation levels drop below 80%. It's important to note that readings may deviate by a few percentage points. For instance, if an FDA-cleared pulse oximeter indicates a saturation level of 90%, the actual oxygen saturation in the blood typically ranges between 86% and 94%. In general, most individuals with good health maintain blood oxygen levels between 95% and 100%, although this range may be lower for those with lung-related conditions. Why Use a Pulse Oximeter at Home? If you have a disease or condition that affects your lungs, heart or circulatory system, your healthcare provider may ask you to use a pulse oximeter at home. Monitoring your blood oxygen saturation at home can help you keep an eye on your health without constant visits to the doctor. Even people who don’t suffer from a chronic condition can benefit from having a pulse oximeter at home. Patients who are suffering from chest infections, and those concerned about COVID-19, can use a device to check SpO2 and pulse rate without visiting their doctor. If oxygen saturation falls, or their heart rate changes dramatically, it can be a sign that they need to seek proper medical care. As an expert in healthcare we also recommend for patients with COPD to actively monitor their oxygen levels at home, especially between doctor visits. A pulse oximeter provides a convenient way to track oxygen saturation levels and identify any trends or fluctuations. By regularly monitoring and documenting these readings, patients can play a more active role in managing their condition and communicate effectively with their healthcare provider. Which Pulse Oximeter Should I Buy? There is a broad choice of pulse oximeters on the market. This makes it easy to find the device that’s right for you. Pulse oximeters come in two basic designs, one type has a separate display and fingertip clip and the other has the display integrated into the main body of the device. In general, integrated pulse oximeters are more affordable than those with separate clips and displays. Pulse Oximeters for Home Use If you need a pulse oximeter for home use, an integrated fingertip pulse oximeter is probably the best choice. These compact oximeters sit comfortably on the fingertip and have clear digital displays and easy to use interfaces. This type of pulse oximeter is readily available for around $100. The Rossmax Finger Pulse Oximeter SB100 and the A340 Dual Colour OLED Fingertip Pulse Oximeter from Aero Healthcare, are both good options if you’re looking for a compact device. Pulse Oximeters for Children If you’re looking for a compact fingertip pulse oximeter for a child, Biolight Finger Pulse Oximeter is perfect. Lightweight, colourful and specifically designed for paediatric patients, it will help you to get accurate readings fast. The device comes with a convenient neck strap for hands free storage. This is especially useful when you’re out and about. Pulse Oximeters for Long Term Monitoring Although fingertip pulse oximeters are great for spot checks and home use, they’re often less versatile than devices with separate displays. If you need a pulse oximeter for long-term observation, a device with a separate handheld screen – or one that connects to a monitor – is ideal. Rossmax Hand Held Pulse Oximeter & Artery Check SA300 is a great option for hospital and clinical use or long term at home care. The device comes with an adult probe plus probes for neonatal and paediatric patients. It will give instantaneous warnings if readings fall outside the normal range and has a clear, backlit LCD screen. Commonly used in healthcare settings including emergency rooms, it’s one of the most trusted pulse oximeters around. If you’d like to find out more about pulse oximeters, or explore our range of products, take a look at the Medshop website or get in touch with a member of our team today. Author: Steven John Cumper, B.App.SC. (Osteo.), M.Ost., is a businessman with a strong foundation in biomedical science and osteopathic medicine, who founded and led Medshop to international success, culminating in its acquisition by the Bunzl Group in September 2021, where he continues to serve as Managing Director (Medshop Group).

March 21, 2024

Steven Cumper

How to Read a Pulse Oximeter Like a Boss

Accurately using a pulse oximeter is really not that difficult. In fact, by the time you finish reading this blog, you’ll see that there’s not much to it.

March 11, 2024

Steven Cumper

What is a Defibrillator? How AEDs Work and How to Use Them

Everyone knows what a defibrillator is. They’re a mainstay of Hollywood drama and a paramedic’s most recognisable tool. Here we look at how they work and when to use one.

February 28, 2024

Steven Cumper

What is a Welch Allyn Otoscope and How to Use One

When it comes to medical diagnostics, few tools are as essential and irreplaceable as the otoscope. First described in the 14th century and modified in the 19th, diagnostic otoscopes are one of the most recognisable and commonly used medical instruments around, and the technology has made significant advances since those early designs. Investing in high quality otoscopes, alongside other diagnostic equipment such as ophthalmoscopes, retinoscopes, stethoscopes, and sphygmomanometers will help doctors and other medical professionals to accurately assess and diagnose their patients. Otoscopes can be used to screen for a variety of illnesses and conditions and are commonly used both in general checkups and specialist consultations. They are also available in a wide range of designs, with additional functionality that extends to examining the nasal canal and the throat. This in turn allows hospitals and clinics to provide patients with high-quality medical care that covers a broad range of areas. What is a Welch Allyn Otoscope? A Welch Allyn otoscope is a standard diagnostic tool produced by well-known medical manufacturer Welch Allyn. The Welch Allyn otoscope is a handheld instrument used by healthcare professionals to examine the ear canal and eardrum. It typically consists of a light source, a magnifying lens, and a disposable speculum or tip for hygienic examination. The US-based company is one of the most well-established names in the world of medical tools and accessories. Known for the quality of its products, its consistently high standards, and its innovative instruments, Welch Allyn is a trusted source for diagnostic sets and tools of all kinds. Types of Welch Allyn Otoscopes The otoscopes produced by the brand offer a number of useful functions and features. The company’s most affordable model is the Welch Allyn Pocket LED Otoscope. The device comes in four bright colours, making it ideal for use with younger patients and on paediatric wards. The instrument comes with either halogen HPX lighting or SureColour LED technology to allow doctors to accurately see all parts of the ear. It offers 2.5x magnification, increased battery life and a compact, lightweight design. The Welch Allyn 3.5V otoscope is a more advanced tool with a wider choice of functions. Six different heads are available for the otoscope, giving doctors a precise, specialist tool that’s ideal for their needs. Otoscope heads available include models with throat illuminators, models that feature lithium-ion or nickel-cadmium rechargeable handles, reusable ear specula and tools for pneumatic otoscopy. The Welch Allyn MacroView otoscope 3.5V offers doctors even better optics and magnification than other models. The instrument offers 30% higher magnification than traditional otoscopes and delivers almost twice the field of view at high magnifications compared to standard devices through the use of fiber-optic cool light technology. This can make it a lot easier to visualise the auditory canal and tympanic membrane. MacroView otoscopes are often used to enhance learning opportunities, aid decision making and boost patient outcomes. How to Use a Welch Allyn Otoscope Welch Allyn otoscopes are designed to be easy and intuitive to use, helping make diagnostics in patients more efficient. Adjustments can be made using the switches and dials on the head of the device, and with some instruments, you will also have the option of changeable heads. This provides the user with improved functionality and specialist features that suit a variety of examinations. Prepare the Otoscope Attach the appropriate speculum or tip onto the otoscope. Choose a size that fits comfortably into the patient's ear canal. Illuminate the Otoscope Activate the light source of the otoscope to ensure clear visibility during the examination. Insert the Otoscope Gently grasp the patient's outer ear and gently pull it upwards and backwards to straighten the ear canal. With the otoscope handle in one hand, carefully insert the otoscope into the ear canal with the other hand, avoiding excessive pressure. When otoscopes are held incorrectly, any flinches or sudden movements from the patient can result in damage to the ear canal. We recommend resting a finger against the patient’s neck should help to brace the otoscope and prevent the instrument causing any injuries. Examine the Ear Canal Slowly advance the otoscope into the ear canal while observing the ear canal walls for any signs of redness, swelling, discharge, or other abnormalities. Rotate the otoscope as needed to visualize different areas of the ear canal. If the area of the ear that needs to be examined isn’t clearly visible on the first attempt, the focus of the otoscope can be adjusted for better clarity. You may need to do this multiple times to find the best setting during the examination. Visualize the Eardrum Continue advancing the otoscope until the eardrum (tympanic membrane) comes into view. The eardrum should appear translucent and pearly gray in color. Note any signs of perforation, fluid accumulation, or other abnormalities. If doctors want to assess the tympanic membrane, they can use a pneumatic otoscope. These use changes in pressure to move the membrane, allowing diagnosis of issues in this part of the ear. Assessing this movement allows doctors to check for conditions including middle ear effusions, vascular lesions and inner ear fistulas. When the exam is complete, the used speculum should be removed from the otoscope to be cleaned and disinfected thoroughly before being returned. Additionally, proper storage of the specula and other accessories associated with your otoscope will help to extend their working life. Can an Otoscope See the Inner Ear? Otoscopes can’t be used to check the inner ear, however, they can provide doctors with useful information about the overall health of the ear and its various components, allowing a diagnosis of the inner ear based on the results. An otoscope allows doctors to see the ear canal and tympanic membrane. During an ear examination, an otoscope can be used to check for signs of infection, swelling, injury and other abnormalities. How Much Does an Otoscope Cost? The price of an otoscope varies according to its functionality, design, and the range of accessories included in the specific diagnostic kit. Standard otoscopes are available for less than $150 while more advanced models can cost over $200. More advanced otoscopes are often used by specialists while standard models are commonly used for check ups and other routine procedures. The Welch Allyn PocketScope Otoscope is the most affordable in our collection, while the MacroView and Welch Allyn 3.5V otoscopes are at the top end of the range. Welch Allyn produces a selection of accessories and parts for their otoscope range, although in many cases you will receive at least some of the accessories you need as part of your otoscope set. These help doctors to tailor their instruments to perfectly suit their patients and their medical requirements, allowing for a broad range of examinations within the ear, nose, and throat. Otoscopes are an essential tool for all family doctors and ear, nose and throat specialists, and they are among the most commonly used devices within the professional healthcare sector. For this reason, choosing a trusted brand such as Welch Allyn is a good way to ensure you are providing the best healthcare to your patients and that you get value for money with a device designed to last. To find out more about these innovative instruments and other Welch Allyn diagnostic sets and devices, browse the Medshop online store today. Author: Steven John Cumper, B.App.SC. (Osteo.), M.Ost., is a businessman with a strong foundation in biomedical science and osteopathic medicine, who founded and led Medshop to international success, culminating in its acquisition by the Bunzl Group in September 2021, where he continues to serve as Managing Director (Medshop Group).

January 31, 2024

Steven Cumper

How To Use a Digital Thermometer — A Guide

Quick, efficient and easy to use, digital thermometers are an increasingly popular choice for both domestic and professional users. There are three main types of digital thermometers: ear (tympanic) thermometer, digital ‘stick’ thermometers and infrared thermometer. Each type of thermometer provides fast, accurate readings, giving health professionals invaluable diagnostic information. In order to ensure that readings taken from a digital thermometer are as accurate and as useful as possible, the device needs to be used and read correctly. To help you precisely assess yourself, your child, or your patient, we’re looking at how to take a temperature with a digital thermometer. How To Use a Digital Thermometer? In most cases, doctors, nurses and other medical professionals will be shown how to take a temperature with a digital thermometer as part of their workplace training. However, it’s always a good idea to refresh your knowledge on the subject on a regular basis, especially as products, guidelines and standard practices change over time. Before using a digital thermometer, it's essential to identify the thermometer's intended use, as they're designed for specific measurement sites: ear (tympanic), oral (under the tongue), rectal, or axillary (under the arm). Some models, particularly tympanic thermometers, offer the versatility of infrared forehead readings, expanding their utility. Using a digital thermometer accurately is a blend of technique, knowledge, and experience. We advise that you always ensure the thermometer is clean and correctly set up before use. Also, patience is key, wait for the thermometer to signal that it has finished reading. This patience ensures accuracy, which is essential for making informed health decisions. How To Use a Digital Ear Thermometer? Instructions on how to use a digital ear thermometer should come with your device. These instructions will give you a precise idea of exactly how your thermometer works and how to get the best results. In general, your reading will be most accurate if the thermometer is placed in the correct position. Most digital ear thermometers require you to pull the ear gently back and out so that the probe can fit snugly into the ear canal. Once the thermometer is in position, wait until the device beeps. This will tell you that the reading has been taken successfully. In some cases, you may need to press a button to trigger the device. The thermometer should only take a few seconds to take the reading. It’s important that the patient remains still until the reading is complete. For accurate and reliable measurements, consider using the Welch Allyn Pro 6000. Once the patient’s temperature has been taken, the results will be displayed on the small digital screen on the side of the thermometer. In most cases, you’ll be able to choose whether to see results displayed in degrees Celsius or Fahrenheit. Some thermometers also give you the option to save readings for future comparison. If there’s any uncertainty about a reading, taking it again after a short interval can help ensure accuracy. However, be mindful that factors like earwax buildup, ear infections, or the shape of the ear canal can affect readings. In such cases, alternative types of thermometers might be more suitable. Your digital ear thermometer should be cleaned and sterilized after each use to avoid infection. How Do You Use a Digital Infrared Thermometer on the Forehead? Non-contact forehead thermometers like Omron MC720 are a good option for people who need fast, hygienic temperature readings. As they don’t touch the skin of the patient, they can be used on multiple people without the need for sterilization. When using a digital forehead thermometer, it’s always best to read the manufacturer’s guidelines before you begin. This will help to ensure your readings are as accurate as possible. When taking a reading, ensure the patient's forehead is around 2-3 cm from the thermometer, clear of hair, sweat, or cosmetics, as these can affect accuracy. Position the thermometer parallel to the forehead for a direct, unobstructed path to the skin. Press the main button to initiate the reading, and remember to keep the thermometer steady at the recommended distance until it signals the completion of the measurement, usually with a beep. It’s also advisable to take multiple readings and use the average to ensure accuracy, especially if the readings seem inconsistent. How To Use a Digital ‘Stick’ Thermometer in the Mouth? As an expert in the field, we'd like to emphasize the importance of proper preparation and usage when employing a digital mouth thermometer. Before any measurement, it's crucial to clean and sterilize the thermometer. This step ensures accuracy in readings and prevents cross-contamination, especially important in a clinical or multi-user environment. For accurate and reliable temperature measurements, consider the Welcare Digital Thermometers. When you’re ready, place the thermometer under the patient’s tongue, towards the back of their mouth. This area, known as the sublingual pocket, is ideal for temperature measurement due to its rich blood supply, providing a more accurate reflection of the body's core temperature. Ask the patient to close their lips around the thermometer. You’ll then need to wait until the device beeps or flashes to show the reading is complete before removing it. Some devices require you to trigger the reading manually using a large button on the front of the thermometer. How To Read a Digital ‘Stick’ Thermometer Under the Arm? When taking a temperature under arm with a digital thermometer, you’ll need to place the device directly against the skin and hold the arm gently against it. If you’re not sure how long to leave the digital thermometer under arm, simply wait until the device beeps or flashes to indicate the reading is complete, or check the manufacturer’s instructions. Clean the thermometer with disinfectant before storing it away. Keep in mind that underarm temperatures can be slightly lower than oral temperatures. If the reading is unusually high or if you have any concerns, it's best to consult with a healthcare provider. How To Take Children Temperature with Digital Thermometer? If you’re taking the temperature of a young baby, you’ll need to use an under arm digital thermometer or a forehead thermometer, as a suitable suggestion you could use Infant Tympanic Thermometer. If you’re unsure where to take the temperature with a digital thermometer, opt for an under arm reading as the baby is less likely to move and cause an inaccurate result. Older children can have their temperature taken with ear, mouth, armpit or forehead devices. Whichever method you choose, make sure the child stays as still as possible for the duration of the reading. If they move, you may need to take multiple readings in order to get an accurate result. Can You Use a Digital Thermometer for Basal Temp The basal temperature is an indicator of when a woman is ovulating. A lot of women track this temperature throughout their menstrual cycle in order to improve their chances of conceiving. We recommend basal body temperature to be measured immediately upon waking, before any physical activity is undertaken, to ensure accuracy and It's crucial to take the temperature at the same time every morning. Digital thermometers can be used to check a woman’s basal temperature. However, it’s often better to invest in a specialist basal body thermometer as these are more sensitive than standard digital thermometers and so are more likely to produce an accurate result. Basal thermometers often also come with a choice of programmes and memory options to make it easy to monitor your temperature during ovulation. Learn more about digital thermometers, and the high quality products we offer, by exploring our range or getting in touch with a member of our team today. Author: Steven John Cumper, B.App.SC. (Osteo.), M.Ost., is a businessman with a strong foundation in biomedical science and osteopathic medicine, who founded and led Medshop to international success, culminating in its acquisition by the Bunzl Group in September 2021, where he continues to serve as Managing Director (Medshop Group).

September 13, 2023

Steven Cumper

CPR vs. AED — When to Drop the Paddles

This information is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice.To understand the latest medical guidance on using CPR or an AED please consult Australian Resuscitation Council or the American Heart Association. In a medical emergency, every second counts. Whether it's a sudden cardiac arrest or a critical respiratory event, having the knowledge and skills to respond effectively can meanthe difference between life and death. Two crucial tools in such situations are Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) and the use of an Automated External Defibrillator (AED). Understanding when to administer CPR versus employing an AED is important knowledge that can save lives—whatever your background. Both techniques are designed to support a failing heart, but they serve distinct roles when caring for a patient. This article explains the critical differences between CPR and AED, delving into when to employ each technique and how they can work together to save lives. Read on to learn more. The Importance of Immediate Response in Cardiac Emergencies Cardiac emergencies, such as heart attacks and sudden cardiac arrest, are critical and time-sensitive situations that require immediate and effective response. The importance of immediate action cannot be overstated, as it can significantly impact the outcome and increase the chances of saving a person's life. When the heart's blood supply is compromised, either due to a blockage in the arteries (heart attack) or a sudden malfunction of the heart's electrical system (cardiac arrest), every passing moment can lead to irreversible damage to the heart muscle and vital organs. Immediate response can help minimise the extent of damage and increase a person's chances of survival. What Is CPR And How Does It Work Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is a life-saving technique performed by first responders in emergencies when a person's heartbeat or breathing has stopped. CPR aims to manually circulate blood and oxygen throughout the body to maintain essential organ function until professional medical help arrives. CPR is a critical intervention during cardiac arrests, drowning incidents, suffocation, and other situations where the normal circulation of blood is disrupted. The basic steps of CPR include: Check Responsiveness: Gently shake the person and shout to check if they are responsive. If there is no response, it indicates an emergency. Call for Help: Dial emergency services or ask someone nearby to do so. Open the Airway: Tilt the person's head back slightly and lift the chin to open the airway. Check for Breathing: Look, listen, and feel for normal breathing. If the person is not breathing or is breathing abnormally, CPR should be initiated. Chest Compressions: Place the heel of one hand on the centre of the person's chest, just below the nipple line. Place the other hand on top and interlock the fingers. Deliver chest compressions by pushing hard and fast at a rate of about 100-120 compressions per minute. Allow the chest to fully recoil between compressions. Rescue Breaths: After 30 compressions, give two rescue breaths. Pinch the person's nose shut, cover their mouth with yours, and give breaths until the chest rises. Continue Compressions and Breaths: Alternate between 30 compressions and 2 rescue breaths until the person starts breathing on their own, emergency personnel arrive, or you are too exhausted to continue. CPR helps maintain blood circulation, delivering oxygen to the brain and other vital organs. It can buy valuable time until more advanced medical interventions, such as defibrillation, can be administered. Automated external defibrillators (AEDs) are often used in conjunction with CPR to restore the heart's normal rhythm. When to Use CPR — Situations and Indications Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is a critical technique used to revive a person whose heart has stopped beating or is beating irregularly, and who is not breathing or not breathing normally. Knowing when to use CPR is essential for providing timely and effective assistance in life-threatening situations. Here are some key situations and indications for performing CPR: Cardiac Arrest — CPR is most commonly used during cardiac arrest. Cardiac arrest occurs when the heart suddenly stops pumping blood effectively. This can result from various causes, such as a heart attack, arrhythmias, drowning, electrocution, or severe trauma. If a person is unresponsive, not breathing, and has no pulse, CPR should be initiated immediately. Unresponsiveness — If an individual is unresponsive and not breathing normally, CPR should be started. Gently tap the person and shout loudly to check for responsiveness. If there is no response, begin CPR. No Normal Breathing — If a person is not breathing or is only gasping, CPR should be initiated. Gasping is not considered normal breathing and requires immediate action. Choking — If a person becomes unresponsive due to choking and is not breathing, CPR should be started after attempting to clear the airway with back blows and abdominal thrusts (Heimlich manoeuvre). If the person regains responsiveness, CPR is not needed. Drowning — Individuals who have experienced near-drowning incidents and are unresponsive with no normal breathing require CPR to restore breathing and circulation. Drug Overdose or Poisoning — In cases of severe drug overdose or poisoning leading to unconsciousness and no normal breathing, CPR is necessary to maintain blood flow and oxygen delivery. Sudden Collapse — If a person collapses suddenly and is unresponsive, CPR should be started to provide immediate life support while awaiting medical help. Unknown Cause of Unresponsiveness — If the cause of unresponsiveness is unknown and the person is not breathing or not breathing normally, CPR should be initiated to address potential cardiac arrest. It's important to note that CPR is not typically performed in situations where the person has a pulse and is breathing normally, even if they are unconscious. In such cases, placing the person in the recovery position and monitoring them until medical help arrives may be appropriate. Remember, early initiation of CPR significantly improves survival rates and reduces the risk of brain damage. If you are unsure whether CPR is needed, it's safer to begin chest compressions until professional medical assistance arrives. Proper CPR technique and training are crucial to ensure the best possible outcomes in these critical situations. How does CPR compare to Basic Life Support (BLS)? In short, CPR and BLS are similar as they share the same goal—to keep the airway open, the heart beating, and the circulation of oxygen to the body going without the use of advanced life support. However, understanding the difference between the two will allow you to know when to use CPR and when to use BLS. A BLS certification is a little more advanced, not so much as an Advanced Life Support (ALS) certification, but more than a standard CPR certification. That said, in practice, there is little daylight between these two. Some BLS certifications teach advanced methods like the administration of oxygen, team approaches, and in-hospital procedures, but the two certifications are close neighbours. In the case of someone seeking a certification for employment, it’s best to check with the employer if they consider the certifications as equivalent qualifiers. To someone suffering a catastrophic cardiovascular event, it will make little difference whether their attendant is CPR or BLS certified. Both are better than doing nothing when an AED is not available. What is an AED and How Does it Work? The acronym AED stands for Automated External Defibrillator, and they are placed in public places, often as part of a broader first aid kit, to provide emergency care in the event of cardiac arrest. Defibrillator AEDs, like the ones produced by Laerdal, Zoll, and HeartSine allow untrained people to administer ventricular fibrillation (VF) to a human body that has suffered a cardiovascular event such as a heart attack. The AED has changed the fate of cardiac arrest victims forever. Before their introduction, without medical attention, standard CPR was the only chance someone had of surviving a cardiac event. Today, in cities where CPR is widely practised and AEDs are readily available, success rates range from 25 to better than 60 percent. The high end of the data comes from cases where the AED came into play. In the absence of CPR training and AEDs, success rates drop closer to 10 percent. It’s the AED units that improve these data the most. Unlike the hospital defibrillation machines, which predated AEDs and required specific training, these new consumer-friendly defibrillators are accessible to even the untrained. As stated by Defib First Australia, “Modern AEDs cannot be used inappropriately and it is not possible to do any further harm to a cardiac arrest victim who is, in effect, dead and will remain so unless defibrillated.” As far as the value of the AED on cardiac patients, the same site said it best: “An AED is the most vital piece of emergency first aid equipment and the only effective first aid treatment for cardiac arrest.” You can learn more about how to use an AED defibrillator here. Check HeartStart AED with FREE carry case* When should you deliver shock from AED? In short, whenever someone’s heart has stopped beating, that’s the best time to use the AED pads. When a heart stops beating, time is of the essence, because after six minutes of oxygen depletion, the brain begins to die. Damage can and will likely occur long before that point. That means you have minutes to get the oxygen moving through the body again. In the heat of such a moment, even though time seems to slow down, minutes slip away quickly. The good news about today’s AEDs is that they will not deliver a shock to a body with a beating heart. As such, there is no bad time to grab the AED if someone has fallen down. For this reason, most response training advises you to delegate retrieval of the nearest AED in the first moments of the incident. Key Differences Between CPR And AED Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) and Automated External Defibrillator (AED) are both crucial components of cardiac arrest response, but they serve different roles in the effort to save a person's life. Here are the key differences between CPR and AED: CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation) Manual chest compressions and rescue breaths. Maintains minimal blood flow until normal heart activity is restored. Trained individuals perform CPR. Requires training for proper technique. No specialised equipment needed. AED (Automated External Defibrillator) Delivers electric shock to restore normal heart rhythm. Resets the heart's electrical activity during specific arrhythmias. Designed for use by laypeople. Minimal to no AED training required due to voice prompts. Specialised device that analyses and corrects heart rhythm. Combined Use CPR and AED are used together to maximise survival chances. CPR starts blood circulation, AED assesses and corrects heart rhythm. The Role of CPR and AED In Cardiac Arrest Response When responding to a cardiac arrest, CPR and AED work together to improve the chances of survival: CPR — Provides manual chest compressions and rescue breaths to circulate oxygenated blood to vital organs, buying time until professional medical help arrives. AED — Analyses the heart's rhythm and delivers an electric shock if needed, aiming to restore a normal heart rhythm. AED use is often combined with CPR. Common Misconceptions and Myths About CPR And AED There are several misconceptions and myths surrounding CPR and AED: Myth — Only medical professionals can perform CPR. Fact — Bystanders and laypeople can effectively perform CPR and should do so in emergencies. Myth — AEDs can cause harm. Fact — AEDs are designed to be safe and will only deliver a shock if a shockable rhythm is detected. Myth — AEDs can restart a stopped heart. Fact — AEDs aim to restore a normal rhythm in a heart that is still beating abnormally; they don't "restart" a stopped heart. Myth — CPR can restart the heart. Fact — CPR can help maintain blood flow and oxygenation but may not restart the heart. AED use is often necessary for rhythm correction. Myth — Only older adults need CPR and AED. Fact — Cardiac arrest can happen to people of all ages, including children and young adults. Myth — You need to be certified to use an AED. Fact — While training is helpful, AEDs are designed for use by anyone, even without formal certification. Myth — You should stop CPR when using an AED. Fact — Continue CPR until the AED is ready to analyse or deliver a shock. The AED will prompt you when to pause. FAQs — Clearing Doubts About CPR And AED Do you use an AED on someone with a pacemaker? The simple answer is yes, but there are a few caveats to AEDs used with pacemakers. Know that pacemakers of any sort should withstand external defibrillation without a problem. The problem with the pacemaker placement is that it usually coincides with the placement of one defibrillator pad. As such, you’ll have to get as close as possible to the correct location. Some AED units may assist with placement. Others may reject the placement. You may need to place the pad directly on the pacemaker, but try to avoid this. In any case, remember that any effort you make is better than none. This person only stands to improve their situation as they are essentially terminal without a heartbeat. Once the pads are in place, run the AED as normal and keep your hands off. After a successful resuscitation, their pacemaker may require attention from a professional, but that’s not a reason to avoid AED administration. Can you use an AED on an infant? If you find yourself in this spot, know that there are special pads and accompanying instructions with most AED units for delivering a shock to a child. The cutoff age is eight. Any human under eight years old will need specially sized defibrillation pads. You should NEVER use the adult pads on a child under the age of eight, even if you have no other options. The risk is not only to the child but to those in the near vicinity. Again, check with your accredited CPR/AED organisation for more details on that. When not to use an AED? Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) are life-saving devices, but there are specific situations when their use should be avoided. Firstly, AEDs should not be used when the victim is breathing normally or has a detectable pulse. These devices are designed for cases of sudden cardiac arrest where the victim is unresponsive, not breathing, and lacks a pulse. Additionally, AEDs should not be used in environments with moisture or water present, as this can compromise their effectiveness. Moving the victim to a dry area or ensuring their chest is dry before attaching the AED pads is crucial. If the victim's chest is obstructed by medicinal patches or excessive hair, it's essential to clear the area quickly by wiping or shaving before applying the AED pads. Using an AED in areas with explosive or flammable materials is highly dangerous, as the electrical shock delivered by the device could potentially ignite a fire or cause an explosion. In cases of severe hypothermia where the victim's body temperature is extremely low, it's important to prioritize warming the victim before attempting defibrillation, as their heart's response to the shock can be significantly affected. Lastly, if there is a valid, visible Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) order for the victim, it indicates their explicit wish not to be resuscitated. In such cases, using an AED would be inappropriate. In summary, while AEDs are valuable tools for cardiac arrest situations, careful assessment of the circumstances and the victim's condition is essential to their appropriate use. Why is defibrillation important in CPR? Defibrillation is crucial in emergencies involving cardiac arrest for several reasons. Firstly, it delivers an electrical shock to the heart, momentarily stopping all electrical activity. This pause allows the heart's natural pacemaker to reset, potentially restoring a normal rhythm In addition, defibrillation complements CPR efforts. While CPR maintains minimal blood flow to vital organs, it cannot correct an irregular heart rhythm. Defibrillation steps in to potentially restore a normal rhythm, maximally boosting the odds of successful resuscitation. Certain abnormal heart rhythms, specifically ventricular fibrillation (VF) or pulseless ventricular tachycardia (VT), respond well to defibrillation. These are categorised as "shockable" rhythms, and without swift intervention, they often lead to fatal outcomes. Finally, Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) are designed to be portable and user-friendly. They offer clear voice and visual prompts, making them accessible in various settings, from homes to public spaces. They can be operated by individuals with minimal training, extending their potential life-saving reach. Author: Steven John Cumper, B.App.SC. (Osteo.), M.Ost., is a businessman with a strong foundation in biomedical science and osteopathic medicine, who founded and led Medshop to international success, culminating in its acquisition by the Bunzl Group in September 2021, where he continues to serve as Managing Director (Medshop Group).

March 17, 2021

Steven Cumper

What is Doppler Ultrasonography? A Guide

Doppler ultrasonography is a type of ultrasound scan that health professionals use to get a closer look at your blood flow. Non-invasive, painless and completely safe, doppler ultrasonography produces results almost instantly. Ultrasonography has been widely used by doctors since the 1960s to assess a range of conditions and diseases. The technique uses sound waves to create a picture of internal body structures like tendons, muscles and organs. It’s also commonly used in pregnancy to assess the condition of the baby and spot any abnormalities. Normal types of ultrasound, although incredibly useful in the diagnostic process, don’t show blood flow. If doctors want to assess the condition of blood vessels, and the rate of blood flow in the body, they need to use Doppler ultrasonography. A Doppler ultrasound can be used by health professionals to identify a number of conditions and to aid diagnoses. Incredibly useful, this quick, non-invasive technique can save lives and help doctors to provide top-level care. What is the Difference Between a Doppler and an Ultrasound? A Doppler is a type of ultrasound that’s used to measure or assess the flow of blood in the body. Doppler ultrasonography uses sound waves to build a picture of how blood is moving in a patient’s vessels. The technique can be used to measure the speed and direction of blood in the body and is a valuable technique for diagnosing and monitoring a range of diseases and conditions. Doppler ultrasounds are carried out using small, handheld devices. These are simply placed against the patient’s skin and then adjusted until the person carrying out the scan gets a satisfactory reading. The patient shouldn’t experience any pain or discomfort during a Doppler ultrasound. What is the Doppler in an Ultrasound? The ‘Doppler’ in a Doppler Ultrasound refers to the Doppler Effect, or Doppler shift. This was first identified in the mid-19th century by Austrian physicist Christian Doppler. It describes the increase or decrease in the frequency of sound, light, or other waves as the source of the waves and the observer move towards or away from each other. A Doppler ultrasound bounces sound waves off of the blood circulating in a patient’s body. This allows the doctor or sonographer carrying out the test to build up a detailed and informative picture of the patient’s vessels. Often, the device used to carry out this type of scan is referred to as a Doppler. What is Doppler Flow? Doppler flow is a type of Doppler ultrasound. Like other types of Doppler ultrasound, it uses sound waves to measure the flow of blood through a vessel. Waveforms of the blood flow are shown on the ultrasound screen, allowing the professional carrying out the scan to assess the patient’s circulation. Doppler flow studies are often used to assess the blood flow in a baby’s umbilical vein and arteries. It can also be used to check the foetal brain, foetal heart and other internal organs. Doppler flow is sometimes called Doppler velocimetry What is A Doppler Ultrasound Used For? Doppler ultrasounds are commonly used to assess patients suffering from symptoms that indicate there is an issue with the circulatory system. For example, if a doctor believes a patient is experiencing reduced blood flow or heart disease they may use a Doppler to get more information about the patient’s blood vessels and flow. Dopplers allow doctors to make quick and accurate assessments and help them to decide if further treatment is needed. Symptoms that may result in a Doppler ultrasound include: Numbness or weakness in the legs Painful cramping in the hips or leg muscles when walking or climbing stairs Cold feeling in the lower leg or foot Change in colour and/or shiny skin on your leg Shortness of breath Swelling in the legs, feet, and/or abdomen Fatigue Patients may also require a Doppler if: They’ve had a stroke - Transcranial Dopplers can be used to check blood flow to the brain They have injured their blood vessels They are being treated for a known blood flow disorder If they are pregnant and their doctor believes there may be a blood flow problem with mother or baby. What Can a Doppler Ultrasound Detect? A Doppler ultrasound can be used to detect and diagnose a range of conditions and diseases related to the circulatory system. These include: A blocked artery (arterial occlusion) Decreased blood circulation into the legs (peripheral artery disease) Bulging arteries (aneurysms) Narrowing of an artery (carotid artery stenosis) Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) Blood clots Poorly functioning valves in leg veins. These can cause blood and other fluids to pool in the legs (venous insufficiency) Heart valve defects and congenital heart disease Many of these conditions, like aneurysms and blocked arteries, are very serious if they’re not treated quickly. This is one of the reasons that the fast, accurate results produced by Doppler ultrasonography are so useful. How to Perform a Doppler Ultrasound Sonographers and most doctors will learn how to do a Doppler ultrasound as part of their training. Some specialist nurses will also be taught how to use a Doppler ultrasound and read the results. If you’re a patient, you won’t have to do anything during your scan, so you don’t need to worry about how to use a vascular Doppler. The doctor, nurse or sonographer will first apply a little gel to your skin. This helps the soundwaves to travel into your body and provides more accurate results. They will then put the handheld Doppler probe on the affected area and move it around until they get the correct reading. How to Read a Doppler Ultrasound The way a Doppler is read will depend on the exam being carried out. For example, a lot of foetal Dopplers are mostly used to check the baby’s heartbeat. In this instance, a simple heart rate reading will probably be sufficient to give the doctor or sonographer the information they need. If the doctor or sonographer is checking for an aneurysm, DVT or another circulatory condition, they may use another type of Doppler. Common types of Doppler ultrasonography include: Colour Doppler - This uses a computer to change sound waves into different colours which show the speed and direction of blood flow in real time. Power Doppler – This is a type of colour Doppler that can provide more detail about blood flow than a standard colour Doppler. However, it can’t show the direction of blood flow. Spectral Doppler – This type of Doppler shows blood flow data on a graph, rather than colour images. It’s often used to see how much of a blood vessel is blocked. Continuous wave Doppler – When this type of Doppler is carried out, sound waves are sent and received continuously. This provides a more accurate measurement of blood when it is flowing quickly. How to Interpret a Doppler Ultrasound Again, the way a Doppler is interpreted will depend on what the doctor is looking for and which type of Doppler has been carried out. If your readings fall outside normal parameters, your doctor will talk you through the results and what they mean for your diagnosis. How to do a Doppler Ultrasound in Pregnancy Because they are small, easy to use and accurate, Dopplers are commonly used to check a baby’s heart rate during pregnancy. In many cases, family doctors will learn how to read a Doppler ultrasound in pregnancy to allow them to monitor mother and baby without the need for a hospital visit. When a Doppler ultrasound is carried out in pregnancy, gel will be placed on the mother’s belly and a specially designed foetal doppler applied to the skin. The doctor or sonographer will then move the probe around until they get a clear reading of the baby’s heartbeat. This process should be painless and non-invasive. However, in some cases, the sonographer may need to apply some pressure in order to get an accurate reading. Doppler ultrasonography is an incredible medical tool that provides valuable information on a range of conditions. Learn more about Doppler ultrasonography, and about the Dopplers in our collection of high quality medical devices by exploring the Medshop store today or contacting one of our advisors.

December 18, 2020

Medshop Editor

What is a Spirometer? Your Guide to Spirometry

Lung function is an important measure of a patient’s health. If the lungs are working well, a person should be able to breathe deeply, inhale plenty of oxygen and carry out daily tasks without a problem. If the lungs are damaged or suffering from disease, something as simple as breathing can be a challenge. Accurately measuring and monitoring lung function and airflow allows doctors to diagnose a range of illnesses and conditions and assess patients suffering from lung disease. One of the best ways of checking lung capacity and lung function is a spirometry test. Used by doctors in clinics, hospitals and surgeries around the world, this simple but effective test can be an important indicator of how efficiently the lungs are working. If you’re currently experiencing shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, your doctor may well use a spirometer to assess your condition. Learning all about what a spirometer is and what it is used for will help you prepare for the test and fully understand your spirometry results. What is a Spirometer? A spirometer is a small machine that is attached to a mouthpiece. Some spirometers have digital displays and are able to print the results of pulmonary function tests. Other spirometers are able to connect wirelessly to computers in order to provide doctors and nurses with a more user-friendly experience. Spirometers are used extensively in doctor’s surgeries, clinics and hospitals. A spirometry test is a quick outpatient procedure that’s commonly used to determine lung function and capacity. Spirometers allow the results of these tests to be known almost immediately, giving doctors a very useful tool for monitoring and diagnosing their patients with issues such as bronchitis and emphysema among many others. What Does a Spirometer Look Like? As different manufacturers use different designs, spirometers can vary significantly in their appearance. However, most devices are relatively small and all come with inhalers to allow the patient to take a deep breath into the machine. Some spirometers have built-in digital screens and others are designed to be paired with computers or monitors. A lot of high-quality contemporary spirometers have Bluetooth connectivity. This allows them to connect to mobile phones, printers and computers and helps to boost usability. What Does a Spirometer Measure? A spirometer is designed to measure two main things: The amount of air you can breathe out in one second The total volume of air you can exhale in one forced breath Doctors compare the measurements taken from a patient with other healthy people of a similar age, height and sex. If their results differ significantly from standard readings it could be an indication that something is wrong. Comparing the results of a patient’s spirometry test with other readings allows doctors to see if a lung problem is ‘obstructive’, ‘restrictive’ or both. Obstructive diseases affect a patient’s ability to breathe by narrowing their airways. However, the capacity of the lungs themselves is generally unaffected. Restrictive lung disease limits the amount of air a patient is able to hold in their lungs. This is generally because the lungs are unable to fully expand. What is a Spirometer Used to Diagnose? Spirometers are used to diagnose and assess a number of conditions and diseases. Some of the most common are: Asthma – an obstructive lung disease in which the airways become periodically swollen and narrowed. Asthma is normally a long-term condition. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease(COPD) – a group of lung conditions that narrow the airway and make it difficult to breathe. Cystic fibrosis– a degenerative condition in which the lungs and digestive system become clogged with thick, sticky mucus. Cystic fibrosisis genetic. Pulmonary fibrosis– scarring of the lungs caused by pollutants, medications and interstitial lung disease. Doctors use spirometers to diagnose these conditions and to monitor their progression. This is often very important as a lot of lung diseases are degenerative and so become worse over time. How Does A Spirometer Work and What is a Spirometry Test? As we’ve already seen, spirometers work by measuring both the amount of air you can breathe out in one second and the total volume a patient can exhale in one forced breath. Spirometers are used to carry out pulmonary function testing. During a test, you’ll be asked to sit down and a soft clip will be placed on your nose to ensure air doesn’t escape during the test. The nurse or doctor carrying out the spirometry test will tell you exactly what you need to do and may ask you to practice exhaling before they begin. When breathing into the spirometer, make sure you inhale deeply so your lungs are at their full capacity. You’ll then need to close your lips tightly around the mouthpiece before exhaling as quickly and as forcefully as you can. Make sure you expel all of the air from your lungs before you remove your mouth from the spirometer. You’ll normally need to repeat the test around three times in order to get accurate readings from your exhalations. In some cases, you’ll be given bronchodilator medication after the initial test and then asked to repeat the process after around 15 minutes. This allows doctors to assess whether or not your lungs respond to the medicine. What is a Normal Spirometer Reading? Your spirometry test will produce two main results. These are measured in terms of FVC ratio (forced vital capacity) and FEV1 (forced expiratory volume in one second). Doctors will also look at the FEV1/FVC ratio. FVC measures the total amount of air that you’re able to expel in one full breath. This is measured in litres. Healthy males aged 20-60 should be able to exhale 4.75 to 5.5 litres Healthy females aged 20-60 should be able to exhale 3.25 to 3.75 litres. FEV1 measures the amount of air you can forcefully expel in one second. Healthy males aged 20-60 should have an FEV1value of 4.5 to 3.5 litres Healthy females aged 20-60 should have an FEV1value of 3.25 to 2.5 litres The FVC/FEV1 ratio is calculated by dividing the measured FEV1 value by the measured FVC value. The ratio is expressed in terms of percentages. Healthy adults of the same age, height and gender should have a FVC/FEV1 predicted value of between 70% and 85%. A percentage of less than 70% is considered abnormal and could be a sign of obstructive lung disease. Types of Spirometers There are three main types of spirometers: standard spirometers, incentive spirometers and wet spirometers. Standard spirometers are used to check lung function and assess a patient’s condition. They’re commonly found in doctor’s surgeries and clinics and are used for diagnostic and monitoring purposes. What is an Incentive Spirometer and What is it Used For? Incentive spirometers are generally used to help a patient recover following surgery or illness. When a patient uses an incentive spirometer, they’ll be asked to close their lips tightly around the mouthpiece before breathing in for as long as possible. As they inhale, they’ll see the piston in the device begin to rise. They should aim to get this piston as high as possible during these rehabilitative lung function tests. When the patient can no longer breathe in, they should remove the mouthpiece, hold their breath for 3-10 seconds and then exhale normally. Repeating these exercises on a regular basis can help to improve lung function, breathing problems, and prevent a range of complications such as pneumonia. Incentive spirometers are handheld devices that can be used by the patient at home or in a hospital ward. How Do You Use a Spirometer for Breathing Exercises? In order to improve your lung function, you’ll need to repeat the process of inhaling, holding your breath and exhaling a number of times. Coughing in between breaths will help to dislodge any mucus that’s built up in your airway and further aid recovery. If you feel dizzy or lightheaded when carrying out breathing exercises on an incentive spirometer, take a break for a few minutes before trying again. What is a Good Incentive Spirometer Reading? As incentive spirometers are generally used by patients recovering from illness or surgery, readings can vary widely. If your doctor has asked you to use an incentive spirometer to help your lung function, they should begin by talking to you about the test results to aim for and how they’d like your readings to improve over time. What is a Wet Spirometer? A wet spirometer works on broadly the same principle as a standard spirometer. However, this type of device measures lung volume by looking at the displacement of a closed chamber that’s partially submerged in water. Air blown into the inverted chamber causes it to rise and move an indicator along a scale. As wet spirometers are less compact and less portable than standard dry spirometers, they’re less commonly used in professional healthcare settings. How Much Does a Spirometer Cost? The cost of a spirometer can vary significantly depending on the brand and the functionality of the device. In general, good quality spirometers cost between $1,800-$2,800. If you’d like to find out more about spirometry or explore our excellent range of professional spirometers, take a look around the Medshop Australia store or get in touch with a member of our team today.

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